Tag Archives: spiritual medicine

Animal Messengers


Have you ever had a remarkable encounter with an animal? Have you had a vivid dream in which an animal featured strongly? Do you have totems or power animals? Have you always wanted a totem but don’t know how to connect with yours?

Animals are powerful teachers, and hold a special place in my belief system. Today I want to share some links for those who are similarly inclined, or perhaps have been searching for that connection. A few years ago I attended a Mind Body Spirit festival with a close friend, and found myself in a room listening to a man talk about animals and their medicine, the healing and messages they hold for us. I was mesmerised by his words, and I felt as if everything he said was something I had heard before. As if I was not being told – I was remembering. It was an extraordinary experience.

Since that time, I have allowed animals to become my teachers in many ways. Whilst pruning in the garden one day, I came across a tiny green tree frog. Frog medicine teaches us to cry cleansing tears, which can wash away pain and provide a space for new growth. Within hours of seeing that frog, I was able to release a torrent of tears for a painful situation I was experiencing, as I started transitioning into a new phase in my life. During a journey drum-making workshop I attended, Scott also interpreted a lucid dream I had long ago featuring a wolf, which has become my most significant power animal.

I have also been touched and inspired by the work of Susan Seddon Boulet, a visionary artist who is no longer with us. I’ve provided a link here – google her on via Google Images and you’ll see what I mean. Her work is quite otherworldly.

Lastly, I want to mention Gary Douglas and Dain Heer. Their book, Talk to the Animals, available on their Access Consciousness website, also provides valuable information on animal intelligence and the contribution they make to our journey into conscious awareness.

Animals have a special place on our planet, and will work with us to help us live fulfilled lives, while providing a direct link to the world of Spirit, and the messages it holds for us. They are portals to awareness as well as being valuable in their own right. They have enriched my life – I hope they enrich yours too.